
#New thesis statement came up!

Social networking websites can be the most effective media for combating political propaganda in the present days because of its amount of members, the structure of information sharing, interactivity, and the data collecting for what people thought and opinions.

Social networking websites are the most effective media for people to voice their opinions and raise social awareness on a global scale because of its amount of exposure, the structure of information sharing, higher interactivity, and its ability to collect data on people's thoughts and opinions.


Some research from Nelsen


Time Spent on Facebook up 700 Percent, but MySpace.com Still Tops for Video, According to Nielsen

Social Network

#Important elements for my thesis

1.Social networking media -
it is the newest way to talk to different group of target audiences and persuade them. For instance, Facebook is the most effective Social networking media because there are over 2 billions of people in the world that using Facebook, and most of them are ready to vote. More and more politicos use Facebook to broadcast their politics.

2. Persuasive game -
3. the culture of "Propaganda" in Taiwan -

new statement

Social networking is the newest media for propaganda purpose because of its .....