Fix by professor :
Fixed 2:
Historically, activists for social changes and political movements have leveraged the dominant media of their times, print, radio, TV, and art, and this trend has not changed In the information age. Social Networking sites have already shown their effectiveness as a tool for activism. Unlike other media, games on social networking websites can engage their audience while disseminating information and can be a powerful new tool for activism.
Historically, activists for social changes and political movements have leveraged the dominant media of their times, print, radio, TV, and art. In the information age this trend has not changed. Social Networking sites have already shown their effectiveness as a tool for activism. Unlike other media, games on social networking websites can engage their audience while disseminating information and can be a powerful new tool for activism.
Fixed 2:
Historically, activists for social changes and political movements have leveraged the dominant media of their times, print, radio, TV, and art, and this trend has not changed In the information age. Social Networking sites have already shown their effectiveness as a tool for activism. Unlike other media, games on social networking websites can engage their audience while disseminating information and can be a powerful new tool for activism.
1. 1. (historical background of social movement)
The early growth of social movement was associated with political changes and economic in 18th century, and after 1945, the new social movement appeared which including peace, civil right, women’s right, gay’s right, anti-nuclear and environment movements. The media use for them has been changing along with time that including protest, sit quietly, movie, radio, advertising, website, and so on, and most of them are “Art.” Like most controversial artworks in the past, game as a new media in recent time has many features that emphasized the power of social networking connection and interactivity, so social networking websites game can become a new media for Activism.
2. 2. (social movement life cycle)
Social movement is eternal whose life cycle are created, grow, successes of failures, and dissolve and to cause to exist. Unlike other media for Activism, games are updateable which allows the participants to release and absorb new issues without re-organize new groups, so social networking website games is a suitable platform for Activism.
3. 3. (Commons purposes of media use of social movement )
Social movement is important protest for people who have been ignored for their needs, and the common purposes of those media have been used for protest are dissemination of information, assembled crowd, and attract attention, and social networking website game has above characteristics at the same time which can be a new and powerful media for Activism.
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